Easter is almost here. My church's Maundy Thursday service last night included a drama of the 1st Lord's Supper. In the midst of introducing the disciples, "Jesus" comes in and the actors got to really ask Him about how to follow Him in today's society. It was actually a pretty creative way of making the story relevant to today.
I was reminded of two things. One, often I hear people talk about the good old times. We seem to think things were better at some other time in our life or in human history. My mom occasionally talks about how much more freedom she had as a child- going off all day to play in the woods or at various friends homes. Riding bikes all over the neighborhood. When I was little, in the same neighborhood, I got to ride my bike in the driveway. That was it. And I was never allowed to leave the yard (much less roam all day). But I've never really looked at my childhood as wanting for anything. My own heart has however struggled with looking back on my 'flirting with disaster' high school/college years. So I understand this tendency, and try to assure my mother that she did a wonderful job despite a different atmosphere than her own childhood.
The second thing last night's drama it is our constant struggle to be devoted followers of Christ. Often, it seems that the society we live in (including at times even Christ's church) presses farther and farther from God's best for us. What was once forbidden is now not so bad, what was questionable is now on every street corner. Sin has the ability to blind us to its ever-increasing nature. So perhaps there were good old days after all? No, God still calls us and equips us to be his disciples. It seems it's not a matter of strength, but of obedience. Lord, I pray that will not be like the fickle crowds that on Monday cheered your triumphant entry into town only to call for your crucification later that same week. Help me to tap into the power of the resurrection this Easter and follow you as you have called.
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