And of course some furry friends to hold close! (Popples and Pound Puppies fit nicely) Needless to say, the white Popple I had got dirty, often.

A friend and I would color in the Garfield comic books like this one. I promise I rarely defaced books. In fact, I do remember being very upset with my little sister for scribbling inside one book, maybe my Wuzzles book.
Much of my childhood was spent dreaming up stories with Little People and Barbie dolls. I think a good many of these toys were actually my aunts' old toys, but they were a wonderful joy to me. Just looking through some of the pictures on Ebay brightened my day!
I know this Barbie motor home was not bought for me originally and it showed much love in the form of wear and tear by the time I out grew it. It may have been this toy that sparked the beginnings of my love for travel.

What travels are complete without a boat house? This Fisher Price
Little People boat house experienced so many tales from me
and my family. Still makes me long for the lake!
Again with the travel theme, I loved (!) this hotel. In fact, I waded through pages of Ebay pictures to find a pic to post. This Holiday Inn even had a turning doorway like fancy hotels and hospitals!

Speaking of hospitals, this one had a working elevator
(ok, so it was powered by a hand crank- still neat for a child nonetheless.)

So I have always known I am a princess (after all my Father is the King of Kings). But this castle and the PINK dragon firmly planted the idea of Prince Charming and Cinderella in my mind. (Though I do remember loving the pink dragon as much as any prince!)

Ok, so we are down to some of my all-time favorite memories. He-man and She-ra. One of my childhood friends was the son of a close family. I remember loving to go over to play with our action figures. His He-man and my She-ra toys made for a great play date every time.

So maybe when all is said and done, this is more my version of "Cinderella's castle." I do have such fond (though vague) memories of She-ra's castle. So any He-man's out there may apply here.

Much of my childhood was spent dreaming up stories with Little People and Barbie dolls. I think a good many of these toys were actually my aunts' old toys, but they were a wonderful joy to me. Just looking through some of the pictures on Ebay brightened my day!
What travels are complete without a boat house? This Fisher Price
Little People boat house experienced so many tales from me
and my family. Still makes me long for the lake!

Speaking of hospitals, this one had a working elevator
(ok, so it was powered by a hand crank- still neat for a child nonetheless.)