I recently heard a couple of radio DJ's discussing a Virginia Tech memorial, one with a marked stone for the each person killed. One of the students added a 33rd stone for the shooter. The sentiment behind it was not to honor his actions, but to remember the life that was lost even if by his own choices. Regardless of his horrifying actions, he will never have the chance to pay for his actions or learn from his mistakes. I cannot imagine how I would feel about this if my family or friends had been among those killed, but from a distance I can see the sentiment. We are called to forgive. Eventually, somehow, with the grace of God, we are compelled to forgive as we have been forgiven. One of the DJ's could not, would not, even attempt to understand. In fact, he added amongst laughter (though with some hesitation only for the trouble he would get in) that his reaction to that 33rd stone was that the shooter "missed one." My heart literally ached at that comment. I may not have chosen to place a stone, I'll hopefully never personally be in a situation to make that decision. But I hope that I will never be so crass as to indicate that anyone deserves what happened to those at Virginia Tech. May I never be ashamed of God's calling to forgive. And may I take this story to heart, increasing my willingness to offer forgiveness whether it is deserved or not. Because I know I have done nothing to deserve my forgiveness. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged.
Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.
Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37
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